Citywide Programs for 2024-2025
The entire Vine network gathers together as a citywide community throughout the school year. Students who are not connected to a local branch are very welcome at citywide events and gatherings. Want to make sure you don't miss citywide events? Sign up for the weekly student e-letter here.
Upcoming Citywide Programs for the 2024-2025 school year include:
Upcoming Citywide Programs for the 2024-2025 school year include:
Embodied Faith: Faith & Social Justice Conference
This fall, we will take a group of Vine students to the annual conference of the World Student Christian Federation in Washington, D.C. This is a gathering of progressive Christian college students from across the country and explores topics of faith, social justice, and organizing for change. October 3-6, 2024 Cost is $50/student. Scholarships are available. Transportation, housing, and most meals included. Want to participate? Email Becca by September 16! |
Fall Day Retreat
This November, we will do some hiking and leaf peeping upstate for our annual hiking retreat. The exact destination is currently TBD but it will undoubtedly be beautiful. Saturday, November 2 9:30am - 2:30pm Free. Transportation provided. Want to participate? Email Becca by October 25! |
Pilgrimage to the Isle of Iona in Scotland
In spring 2025, Vine students will take a pilgrimage to the Isle of Iona in Scotland. Iona is a remote, beautiful island long known as the "birthplace of Celtic Christianity." During our week-long rertreat at the Iona Abbey, we will spend time in silence, prayer, creativity, meaningful conversation -- and spend lots of time outdoors walking in this incredible part of creation. We will also spend a day each in Glasgow and Edinburgh on our journey. May 22 - June 1, 2025 Cost is $700 per student* Air and train fare, lodging, and most meals included. Click here for more detailed information. The sign up deadline is December 2, 2024. Student participants will participate in a small group during spring 2025 in preparation. *Let us know if you need help fundraising! We are committed to helping students who want to attend find a way to do so. |