PRiSM in Greenwich Village
PRiSM is a progressive Christian campus ministry in Greenwich Village. We are college and graduate students from universities across the city with a variety of faith backgrounds, life experiences, identities and ideas. Together, we eat, pray, play, talk, learn, laugh, serve, wrestle with big questions, and work for a more just world. We boldly celebrate the identities and leadership of women and queer folks. We do our best to live out the radical, gracious love of God in Jesus Christ. If you are a college or graduate student in New York City, there is a place for you here.
PRiSM meets every Tuesday evening during the academic year for dinner, conversation, and prayer. Scroll down to learn more!
PRiSM meets every Tuesday evening during the academic year for dinner, conversation, and prayer. Scroll down to learn more!
Tuesday Night Dinners
All college and graduate students are welcome to join us each Tuesday evening at 6:00pm for dinner and conversation about faith and life. We talk about all kinds of things - from scripture to student life to issues of justice and in all of it, we make space to look for God's presence in the midst of our complicated world. These dinners are a chance to rest, recharge and connect with God and community. Also, the food is free and good. We hope to see you there!
Tuesday Night Dinners
Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30pm, starting Tuesday, 9/10/24
First Presbyterian Church @ W 12th St & 5th Ave
Enter the lobby doors through the gate on 12th Street just west of 5th Ave.
Tuesday Night Dinners
Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30pm, starting Tuesday, 9/10/24
First Presbyterian Church @ W 12th St & 5th Ave
Enter the lobby doors through the gate on 12th Street just west of 5th Ave.
Who's Who?

Sarah Allen. Sarah is a senior at NYU Meyers College of Nursing in the Global Public Health concentration. She wants to pursue community health nursing, especially in primary care. She grew up Presbyterian, where she learned to focus on God’s love, and worked in the church nursery through high school, where she learned to focus on God’s patience! She’s passionate about LGBTQ+ issues, keeping houseplants, perfecting her mac and cheese recipe, and the art of chitchatting. When she’s got free time, she likes to play with her cat, go to tango class, and journal.

Ellie Brown. Ellie is a senior at NYU studying Journalism and English Lit, with a minor in Creative Writing. She loves storytelling, both through writing and visual art, and she hopes to pursue a career as a journalist. She grew up going to a nondenominational church with her family and being very involved in various bible studies and youth groups throughout her life. She is passionate about progressive ministry and making faith something that is welcoming, safe, and accessible to everyone. She spends most of her free time reading and going to concerts.
Congregational Partners
PRiSM is lucky to have four amazing partner congregations across downtown who love and support our student community:
First Presbyterian Church - West 12th St. and 5th Ave.
Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church - 22nd St between 3rd Ave. and Lexington Ave.
St. John's Lutheran Church - Christopher Street between 7th Ave & Bleecker St.
Trinity Lower East Side Lutheran Parish - East 9th and Ave. B
These congregations provide home-cooked meals for PRiSM each week, support PRiSM financially, and LOVE to welcome students to worship and all other aspects of congregational life. These congregations have vibrant worship, active young adult members, and are engaged in meaningful justice work in the community. They all also enthusiastically welcome the participation and leadership of women and LGBTQIA+ people. Check them out!
First Presbyterian Church - West 12th St. and 5th Ave.
Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church - 22nd St between 3rd Ave. and Lexington Ave.
St. John's Lutheran Church - Christopher Street between 7th Ave & Bleecker St.
Trinity Lower East Side Lutheran Parish - East 9th and Ave. B
These congregations provide home-cooked meals for PRiSM each week, support PRiSM financially, and LOVE to welcome students to worship and all other aspects of congregational life. These congregations have vibrant worship, active young adult members, and are engaged in meaningful justice work in the community. They all also enthusiastically welcome the participation and leadership of women and LGBTQIA+ people. Check them out!
PRiSM is part of the campus ministry networks of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Presbyterian Church (USA).