Thank you for registering for Trivia Night 2023!
To complete your registration, please pay online below or mail a check made out to LMHE to PO Box 250813, New York, NY 10025. If you mail a check, please email Pastor Becca to let her know its on its way. Thank you!
Registration Fees:
Individuals: $45
Team of 6: $260
Team of 7: $305
Team of 8: $360
Students: $15
To pay your registration fee securely online, simply click on the button that says "PAY HERE" below. If you are registering more than one individual or team, you will be able to update the quantity number on the checkout screen.
Individuals: $45
Team of 6: $260
Team of 7: $305
Team of 8: $360
Students: $15
To pay your registration fee securely online, simply click on the button that says "PAY HERE" below. If you are registering more than one individual or team, you will be able to update the quantity number on the checkout screen.
Thank you for your support of The Vine NYC campus ministry network. We look forward to seeing you at Trivia Night!